Clan MacAlister traditional dress tartan with modern colors.
Clan MacAlister Dress Tartan
Colors: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Azure, White
Clan MacAlister Crest over Dress Tartan
Crest Badge: An armoured arm, the hand holding a dagger.
Motto: Fortiter – “Boldly”.
Associated Family Names
Alastair, Alexander, Alison, Allison, Allister, MacAllister, Sanders, Saunders.
Name Spelling Variations
MacAlaster, MacAlester, MacAllaster, MacAllester, MacAllister, MacCalaster, MacCalester, MacCalister, MacCallaster, MacCallester, MacCallister, McAlaster, McAlester, McAlister, McAllaster, McAllester, McAllister, McCalaster, McCalester, McCalister, McCallaster, McCallester, McCallister, MacColaster, MacColester, MacColister, MacCollaster, MacCollester, MacCollister, McColaster, McColester, McColister, McCollaster, McCollester, McCollister, MacAlasdair, MacAllasdair, MacCalasdair, MacCallasdair, McAlasdair, McAllasdair, McCalasdair, McCallasdair, MacLaster, MacLester, MacLister, McLaster, McLester, McLister, M’Alasher, McKallister, M’Alester, McClester, MacEllistram, McOlisterr.
Source: Wikipedia