Clan MacBeth traditional tartan with modern colors.
Clan MacBeth Tartan
Colors: Blue, Red, Green, Black, Yellow, White
Clan MacBeth Crest over Tartan
Crest Badge: A dragon reguardant.
Motto: Conjunctio Vertuti Fortuna – “Fortune is allied to Bravery”.
Associated Names or Spelling Variations
MacBeith, MacBheath, MacBae, MacBeathy, MacBathe, MacBey, MacBee MacBea, MacBheatha, MacBeatha, MacBheathain, MacBa, MacBeth, MacBaith, MacBeath, MacBay, MacGillebeatha, MackBayth, Maelbeth, Malbeth, Melbeth, Macbetha, Beaton, Bethune, Bethon, Beathune, Betoin, Beattone, Bay, Beattoun, Beatoun, Beathy, Beton, Beutan, Bettune, Betowne, Betton, Bittoune, Bey, Betown, Betone, Betoun, Leche, Leitch, Lech, Leeche, Leetch, Leatch, Leiche, Leach, Leech, Leitche, Liche, Litch, Liech, Lietch, Leyche, MacVeigh, MacVeay, MacVeagh, MacVay, MacVey, Beath, Belton.