Clan MacLaren traditional tartan with modern colors.
Clan MacLaren Tartan
Colors: Blue, Weathered Green, Black, Yellow, Red
Clan MacLaren Crest
Crest Badge: A crowned lion’s head, between two laurel branches.
Motto: Creag An Tuirc – “Rock of the boar”.
Associated Names or Spelling Variations
Faed, Larnach, Laurence, Laurenson, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Low, Lowe, Lowson, MacFade, MacClarence, MacCrorie, MacFait, MacFater, MacFead, MacFeat, MacGrory, MacLaurin, MacPatrick, MacPetrie, MacPhait, MacPhater, MacRorie, MacRory, Paterson, Patrick, Patterson, Peterkin, Peters, Peterson, Rorie, Rorison.
Source: Wikipedia